Senin, 20 Juni 2011

Make your feeling of used cars and look like new

You have seen new cars so that they have come to the conclusion that this only makes sense to keep your used car and "Not" intra. I have some suggestions to keep your used car, works great for years to come. With today's technology are built vehicles better today than ever before in the past, and last longer. Vehicles with more than 100,000 miles (which is common these days) with the original motors, have carried out great.

I've listed a few tips for your "old" feeling for the car and watch as the "New".

Tip # 1. Change your oil every 3,000-5,000 miles. Depending on how you drive (what extent and how often) will want to check your owner's manual for brand recommendation. Always check your oil every 2-3 weeks, you can do this when you go to fuel. If you see that it is cheap, pour some in, up to the mark, where it says entirely.

Tip # 2. When you have your oil changes, make sure that you ask to Lubricate external suspension. (They usually do this, but its always good to them). To have them checked and other liquids. Automatic transmission fluid must be examined, this liquid must be bright red and varies between 30 000-50 000 miles. The car must be handled and in Park when checking of that particular fluid.

Tip # 3. While the car is turned off, check your power steering fluid. You will find with others, when take off the CAP. Ensure that it is a sign for "full", if you will need to fill it in.

Tip # 4. Radiator fluid "must verify, without or even tested out of this fluid may cause permanent damage to your vehicle. The level you overflow the tank to be read in the character of Max, if your vehicle is not the time to cool. Add a mixture of water and coolant to overflow the tank if it does not read the level of Max. If your motor has already cooled off only the coolant is added to the overflow tank.

Tip # 5. Check your brake fluid, most of the newer cars have also plastic tank, which you can fill in without removing the CAP opening. I was low, just top off the tank of tank with brake fluids. Check your manual for the proper liquid to be used.

Tip # 6. Inspect your fan belt for any cracks. Change your fuel filter, if necessary. If there are overlapping you need a new one.

Tip # 7. Store your terminals of the battery clean. Do this by means of a brush of wire to pull off all the substantial accumulation you can see.

Tip # 8. Every other oil change, you must rotate your tires. Check your tyre pressure, using the sensor for tyres. This step often, since it will help your gas mileage while the temperature of the climate change varies.

Tip # 9. Have their frontal inspected to make sure it is in alignment. Have a tap of the mechanic looks worn or broken parts or pads.

Tip # 10. After twelve months worked checked for leaks or unusual noises.

Tip # 11. You need a front to cracked or damaged, have it replaced or fixed. Your wiper blades to replace 4-6 months to ensure your vision.

Council # 12. Washing of the exterior of the car will keep it looking like new. When polishing the car yourself to make sure that you are the wax once a month. Professional wax and buff your car may continue until 4-6 months.

Board 13. To prevent rust is a correction of any/all of the chips, which can have your vehicle in order to keep your car from b?lbukvane.

Tip # 14. Keep the car clean, vacuum frequently. It is highly recommended that the use of protective sealant for vinyl or leather seats.

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