Minggu, 29 Mei 2011

What is a servo motor?

All engines are essentially devices used to transform different kinds of energy into mechanical energy. There is a huge volume of engines on the market today, each with their different approach to the conversion of energy and specialized applications in products, industrial and way of life.

Servo motor is only one of the engines, as that enjoyed is popular in the industry of mechanics. It consists of four different parts: position sensing device (such as a Potentiometer), DC motor, control circuit for and gear units. All these parts work together to enable the servo motor to receive control signals which are searches after the production of servo shaft. Signals driven DC engine to turn on while its shaft is in the right position. Shaft in this motor has more limited rotation of these in regular DC motors, to include a maximum of 200 degrees in each direction. The rotation of the shaft is determined by the position sensing device, thus controlling the direction in which the DC engine must include, in order to arrive at the correct location.

Servo motor is distinct, as it has three connections: one Wire connects to the source of power, one Wire is connected to Earth, and one Wire connects to the control. For these engines to operate power must be applied by the constant source. These motor operates by drawing current from the power lead. Therefore, as we learned, servo motors contain built-in rotation sensor, they are very important for the achievement of the movement in space technology. Servo motor can be used to facilitate life movement, because it transmits information on people, the degree of rotation of the motor axis which allows robot constant awareness of the positions of the outer bodies. And is widely used in robotics, they are used extensively in the operation of remote control model boats, trains, aeroplanes and helicopters, as well as to control the movement of real boats and aircraft.

There is no one type of servo motor, but many different variants of this basic motor design, which offer a wide variety of attributes, strength, speed, breaking load, movement type, gearbox, size and weight. For the needs of industry and available budget normally define what will be the most appropriate type of servo motors for each application.

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