Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Save money on car wash

If you enjoy the car washed every two weeks or so, you may not realize how this amount is added within one year. Is you can even send close to $ 500 annually just to have your car cleaned. It is better to have the black car is even better to have extra $ 400 in your pocket. Here are some tips that will allow you to save on your next trip to carwash:

• Take some time. Lets face it, there is really no need to go to car wash every two weeks, except if the to-do is not to take your car through mud pits on a daily basis. Try happens every month instead of every two weeks, plus you will need an additional incentive to keep your car cleaned by your own means.

• Cheap vs expensive. This is a good idea to get the cheapest package after all basic cleaning job is everything you should. Sometimes there is only one additional incentive in the package "gold" in comparison with that of the "bronze" and is a complementary upgrade really worth $ 10? Probably not instead do "extra" incentive for yourself. For example, if the Gold package trimmed or dresses his tyres, just do it yourself when you get home.

• Board reasonable. Yes, people for the excellent service tipping is great and sometimes really warranted, but not on top. Car wash attendants are usually pays a fixed amount, which is above the minimum wage and tips are only an additional incentive for them. Try to stay between 10 and 15% for tips that can save you several hundred dollars when all is said and done at the end of the year.

• Still takes care of your car. Just because you get your car cleaned, does not mean you can treat it badly to the rest of the time. If you want to save, then be taken to your car for a long time, instead of buying new every two years. You can feel good about this decision, when you treat your car as the investment is.

• Cover your car. If you do not Park in a garage or other sheltered space, cover your car. This will save on trips to the car wash and protect your car from adverse climatic conditions, including rain, snow and Sun damage. Lid can protect your car's paint it elements of dents and scratches.

• Walk these additional steps. When parking in a public lot Park away from other cars. Yes, you will need to walk a further minute or two, but isn't it? The car is less likely to be dented by the close parking accidents and slams the door. In addition, parking too far might raise your outside of trees and other natural attractions, which may cause the car to be lined with dirt, debris and bird waste.

Having a few precautionary steps will help you save on the amount of money spend in the car wash and can keep your car's relatively clean. Remember, you can treat your car washing every once in a while, but the reduction will save you some serious dough.

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